Monday, January 19, 2009


I think I've finally decided on the name for this blog, after several weeks of going back and forth. I think this new name describes the purpose of my blog, and my personality. So without further ado, I present The E-Files: Unlocking The Secrets of Entertainment.

I am hoping this week to put up a movie review this week. I have seen several movies, but none that have really caught my attention as something to write about. The purpose of this Blog will be to show you things in he Entertainment Industry that you may have missed, or should give a second chance.
I really hope you give this site a chance and continue to read!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Its Always Sunny in Philidelphia...except when the Eagles lose :(

Its ironic that i am writing this post when The Eagles have just lost the NFC Championship Game.... again. *sigh,...someday....*
Anyway. Ive been watching off of Hulu, Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia. The first season may be one of the most well-written, brilliant, pieces of comedy I have ever seen. And I have seen a lot of comedy, growing up on TV Land then watching sitcoms ever since.
I hope that someday when this blog gets off the ground, I can run a bracket style greatest Comedy Ever. Two divisions, Classic Comedy's vs New Comedy's. My prediction I love Lucy over Arrested Development in the Championship. But that's only a dream...
In the meantime PLEASE watch at least the first season of IASIP. The second season isnt very good because of Danny DeVito, but by the third season they learn to incorperate him into "the gang" and it flows brilliantly once again.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Watchmen is impossible.

I had never heard of Watchmen until the trailer before The Dark Knight. The fact that I had never heard of it until then has become the bane of my existence. I immediately began looking up information about this because the trailer intrigued me. I read about how it was a graphic novel first, and possibly the GREATEST graphic novel.

Confession Time: Ive never read a graphic novel. Not a fan of comics, I think that they are cool and all but honestly I've found other things more fun. But I know people who adore them so maybe Ill get around to reading them someday.

However, after seeing that trailer I did read ONE graphic novel. I may read more, maybe. Mostly because this astounded me. It was so poignant and thrilling. So tongue-in-cheek. I loved it. It was one of the greatest works of fiction I have ever read, and i read alot.

But Watchmen as a movie is impossible. It involves way to much. And I believe a graphic novel is the only proper way to show this.
Do not get me wrong. I believe that everything about the movie looks great. Every single detail, and trailer are perfect. But I think when it comes together, it just wont work. This movie is the impossible.
But please Zach Snyder, Prove me wrong. PLEASE.

confused about what Im talking about?

Monday, January 5, 2009

I doubt anyone is following this but...

Sorry for the lack of updates. Just got back from WDW and now onto midterms. So Without
Further Ado, Why I believe Robert Downey Jr. deserves the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor, as I submitted to to attempt and joing there "blog team"

Why Heath Ledger Does NOT Deserve an Oscar

The unanimous decision seems to be that Heath Ledger deserves an Oscar for his role as the Joker in the Dark Knight. He may have done an excellent job at this role but there is one actor who changed American History. This was Robert Downey Jr. in his role as Osiris in Tropic Thunder.
Robert Downey Jr. played a method obsessed actor who changed his skin color for the role he was playing. This role would be risky at any point in time, but especially as we had an African- American running for president. But Robert Downey got no criticism from African-American communities as with this role that could have sparked outrage and controversy.
Robert Downey Jr. completely blurred the color line the fading color line. After Robert Downey’s role there I think we will realize that there is little difference between black or white actors, they are all the same.
Robert Downey deserves the Oscar because he took on a role that could completely destroy his career. He took that role and made it into something that changed American History and possibly world history forever.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

"Guys, Where are We"

Hello, to the world out there and welcome to the mind of J.Connor Scully.
Who am i? I am your average everyday high-school student. For years I've wanted to act, write, or direct. I've decided that if I really want to do this; I need to improve. Thus, this website to improve my writing. Even if I'm not writing to anyone, at least i am writing!
So through the next years, I will let you into my mind, introduce you to everything you may have missed about your life. Things that you never tried because you were so sure, you would not like it. Not only that but I'll introduce you to the randomness of my mind.
Congrats, your meeting me.